Conversation Between Partizanac and Franz Fanonipants

  1. Partizanac
    Look dude. I know that you say that blacks are a part of a social substructure that has been abused by what you call a white social substructure and that there exists more to the story than class-conflict.
    But saying that you don't care for a "white" persons comments on issues regarding minorities because of "our" alleged supremacy issues is beyond belief. No idea why you have to go public with a private conversation but it will do you harm, not me.

    This is true especially since a huge amount of whites never owned a slave and lived in slave-like conditions or worse while it is clear that both blacks, arabs, mexican indians and others have owned slaves to.
  2. Partizanac
    Last country to abolish slavery:
    Arab and African.

    But i forgive them.
  3. lawl
  4. Partizanac
    I said what I'd rather be to make you think for a moment and stop thinking that whites 500 years after slavery are still responsible for slavery when modern slavery did not originate from whites. Not to mention your obsession with white/black instead of humans.
  5. enslaved africans had it better than factory workers - a statement you literally made
  6. Partizanac
    Dude you crazy!
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