Conversation Between Azraella and Franz Fanonipants

  1. Azraella
    I'll check it out.
  2. history of sexuality 1 is what i'd recommend the most. i can't seem to remember right now where he hops on the anti-humanism train tho
  3. Azraella
    No, I haven't. Got any links or books for me to look for?
  4. have you checked out foucault/anti-humanism?
  5. Azraella
    It's merely an ethics system, I'm also ironically a negative act utilitarian. Humanism can be incredibly preachy and liberal(in fact secular humanism is associated with liberalism but I happen to read this blog often) but I happen to think humanism is also one of the best ethics systems that is compatible with 97% of all worldviews.
  6. comrade idk about all this humanism business it seems like too nat'l a extension of liberalism
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