Conversation Between Zeus the Moose and l'Enfermé

  1. Zeus the Moose
    I have some appreciation for the KKE in that their mere existence and level of support they get is pretty much a massive troll of Eurocommunism (the Portuguese Communist Party as well to a lesser degree.)
  2. Zeus the Moose
    Thanks for the links. Yeah, that timeline makes sense, since by 1926 Zinoviev and Kamenev were kind of booted into opposition as well.
  3. Yes of course. I don't know why I wrote "Bukharin" instead of "Zinoviev", it's practically impossible to confuse the two. As far as I know, the whole "Trotskyism or Leninism?" stuff started in 1924 and 1925. Zinoviev started it mostly, but Kamenev contributed too. Check this and this out if you're interested. Bukharin raised the cry against "Trotskyism" in 1924 too("The Theory of Permanent Revolution"), thought he didn't became the main bearer of the anti-"Trotskyist" banner until 1926 or so.
  4. Zeus the Moose
    Thanks for the less angry follow-up on the Trotskyism thread. On a historical note, I think the campaign against "Trotskyism" was started by Zinoviev as well as Bukharin, around new debate on the "United States of Europe" slogan in the early 20s. I don't have specific documents to confirm, but just something I remember hearing in a talk I was listening to.
  5. Check out Q's new thread in the Weekly Worker Reader's Group comrade, it has potential.
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