Conversation Between #FF0000 and Asero

  1. #FF0000
    I'm sure that's part of it, but I'm speaking more generally.
  2. Asero
    I just don't see where you're coming from. It seems to me that most chan posters are able to get away while saying a bunch of crap is because of the anonymity.
  3. #FF0000
    I was being straightforward there. I think a lot of people use irony as a way to get away with saying terrible things they wouldn't be able to say otherwise.
  4. Asero
    "In my experience "irony" is often an excuse for folks who don't want to be held responsible for what they say."

    I didn't want to divert the thread any farther, and I don't really care for something as small as this to be put in the thread.

    What are you insinuating here?
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