Conversation Between Parvati and Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist

  1. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Well, most likely I would drive. Perhaps a road trip with some comrades. So most likely the Student Conference in Montreal. It is quite the distance, but I know I can't drive all the way to the conference in West Canada. Perhaps if I get in contact with some NCP people we can pool our money together. How are the student conferences? I haven't been being a yankee
  2. Parvati
    You can definitely attend a conference if you wish (Which one were you considering?)! Since I'm involved with the Student Conferences, I know that some folks from Boston and New York attended the 2 first ones, some of them related to the NCP...
  3. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    That's really cool, any chance a yankee like me could attend the conference? And I was curious about the Revolutionary Worker's Movement, I saw that it was down on your website for a while. Ah well, please tell me about that book, or give it to me clandestinely if need be.

    If you would mind me asking, what is the present focus of your activities, where do you have a presence, how deep do you think the influence of your party goes, and how many members (approximatly of course). Also was your party involved in forming the New Communist Party in the states?
  4. Parvati
    Haha, first thank you, actually it is a huge shunk of my life, so I take it as a compliment. I would say that this summer is maybe more quiet, but we are certainly planning many things for Fall and Winter, especially with the 3rd Revolutionary Student Conference, to be hold in Montreal, early 2014, and the launching of the Revolutionary Workers Movement & the Proletarian Feminist Front conferences, as two new initiatives coming up. There is also another Canadian Revolutionary Congress to be hold in 2014, in the Western part of the country. A lecture committee is still also in the process of writing a book about the universality of PPW and its application in Canada. Definitely some big chunks here!
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Greetings from America, or should I say AmeriKKKa.

    I hear you are in the RCP Canada? How does it feel to be in the best party in North America? What have you fellas been up to lately?
  6. Parvati
    Revolutionary Greetings from Canada!
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