Conversation Between Elect Marx and pastradamus

  1. Elect Marx
    Wow, congrats on the adminship. You sure rose up the ranks fast. Cheers.
  2. pastradamus
    Thank you once again my friend. Your a good ally to have. I read your comments in the CC and I couldn't believe the generosity and support from you. Thanks very much comrade!
  3. Elect Marx
    Welcome to the CC comrade.
  4. Elect Marx
    Glad to have you, and I suspect you'll be in the CC soon enough.
  5. pastradamus
    Thank you once again, this time for allowing me in into the group. From what I can see everybody in there is an excellently respectful contributor to the site.
  6. pastradamus
    Thanks for your kind comments on my marx and religion post. It means a lot when someone takes to time to read all that and appreciate it. Thanks very much comrade.
  7. Elect Marx
    Your post on Marx and Religion was fantastic.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7