Conversation Between Emily and AntinoiteBolshevik

  1. Emily
    Hi Comrade. Yes I have seen Glumov's Diary, and I have to say, Eisenstein was very dashing in it XD It was very interesting, especially as it featured his own theatre troup in it. You can see alot of Eisenstein's work on youtube, quite a lot of rare things of his on there, and thanks for the head's up about Emule!
  2. AntinoiteBolshevik
    Thanks Comrade . I agree with you there. I'm downloading Eisenstein's short films at the moment. Have you seen his first work? It's a 5 minute film entitled 'Dveznik Glumova' "Glumov's Diary"? It's a very interesting experimental piece. I don't have a clue why any of the things that happen happen but it's still fun to watch and after the opening credits you see a young and very handsome young Eisenstein hehe. Also, look out for 'Romance Sentimentale'. It's another piece done by him and Alexandrov. I've read it's very emotional and sad, but also beautiful. I can't wait to watch it .

    You can download them both off of Emule.
  3. Emily
    Your post was interesting, glad to see another Eisenstein fan on here!
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