Conversation Between Hit The North and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    Laugh all you want, chum, and act like the big snot if that gets you hard, but we know where you stand already: You think the holocaust would have happened without the nazis! This is analogous to arguing that if, say, the Yorkshire Ripper had never been born the prostitutes he murdered would have been murdered anyway. You appear to be confusing historical materialism with Calvinist predestination. So now it's my turn to lmao.

    i just want to comment on how stupid this sounds
  2. Remus Bleys
    Your a funny guy.

    From every post of yoursi have read you seem to be really stupid. So honestly I have better things to do then to argue with you on the internet about how wrong this message of yours is. Please stop sending me these.
  3. Hit The North
    Laugh all you want, chum, and act like the big snot if that gets you hard, but we know where you stand already: You think the holocaust would have happened without the nazis! This is analogous to arguing that if, say, the Yorkshire Ripper had never been born the prostitutes he murdered would have been murdered anyway. You appear to be confusing historical materialism with Calvinist predestination. So now it's my turn to lmao.
  4. Remus Bleys
    Lol. Again this makes no sense.
    When I get on a pc and respond to 9mm then my position should be clearer. Lmao
  5. Hit The North
    I won't respond to your last address to me in that thread because it has moved on. But, really, comrade, you must refrain from assuming that you know what I think, when the only 'evidence' you can muster is the exercise of your own imagination. As it is, I'm quite happy to take on board the hypothesis that had Trotsky replaced Stalin he would need to struggle with the same material conditions Russia found itself in. I'm even reasonably sympathetic to the idea that Trotsky's Russia would not be too different from Stalin's. But arguing that there would be no difference is pure foolishness. There is the world of difference between taking a materialist outlook and having a fatalistic view of history. Never mind, other comrades are doing a good job of schooling you in the thread, I hardly need to argue further.
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