Conversation Between Communist Mutant From Outer Space and Comrade Jacob

  1. Stalin was a hero, he saved Europe with his leadership and established a super-power based on socialist principles. He also helped crush Japanese imperialism in Northern China. Killing 1 million Japanese Troops in 1 week which ended up helping to establish the PRC so many Maoists will naturally support Stalin.
    Mao said famously "Stalin was 70% good and 30% bad", he had personal problems (possible mental health and personality disorders) which definitely effected his decisions. But overall Maoists see Stalin as a great figure of socialism, as do I.
    SOIC is simply about trying to build socialism while surrounded by Capitalism (you can't reach communism but you can, I believe, achieve socialism) instead of trotskyism.
  2. I assume as a Maoist, you support Stalin. Apart from "Ismail" you seem to be one of the only active pro-Stalin people, and I'm intrigued to know why you hold this position; not because I hold a necessarily anti-Stalin one, but most of the information I have on him shows him to be somewhat bad and not at all a Leninist or a Marxist. I don't mind some of Mao's ideas, but Mao seemed to like Stalin too and I can't get my head around that (or Socialism In One Country for that matter). I've heard some Maoists exist that dislike Stalin but that would seem to contradict Mao anyway; what do you think of Stalin as a communist? It's just that I struggle to see him as such for pursuing intranationalism and killing ("purging") anyone who didn't fit his narrow line of views.

    Some of that might sound passive-aggressive but it's not. I am merely looking for answers.

    -Communist Mutant From Outer Space
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