Conversation Between Sugar Hill Kevis and BobKKKindle$

  1. Bobbb
  2. aww shucks

    thanks man
  3. Hey, just to let you know, all of the art you post is brilliant - you're incredibly talented!
  4. cool, sorry for being a bit pushy, I'm just looking forward to it and I'm sure you'll do a great job! Best luck on that whole "real life" thing, I might try it out for myself at some point.
  5. Soon(ish)... It'll definitely be this year... I'm still catching up on my real life right now, havn't had much of a chance to go through the forum... plus, quite a few entries are still coming through... I'll probably start compiling them in the next week or two and then have the results in Dec.
  6. yooo when are we getting the chti chat awards?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6