Conversation Between Schumpeter and RedCornFlakes

  1. Can you give me one example? I was under the impression that the 'productive capacity' of the health service has not been able to keep pace with the rising demand for healthcare. Which is at the root of the waiting times etc.
  2. Not with the new Torie welfare reforms, which seem to be a form of feudalism.
  3. What are the distinguishing features? Free, universal healthcare provision and a social contract? If so, the UK has 'Rhine capitalism'. This seems to be social democracy or a leftist mixed economy, no?
  4. Not much. This is what I think.
    Socialism > Rhine Capitalism > Capitalism
    Lassies-fair capitalism hasn't actually been put into practice. As for Anarcho-Capitalism, that's completely unrealistic. Although it would make for a good tycoon game.
  5. Sounds similar to what we have in the UK today. What sets it apart from a mixed economy?
  6. What's your opinion on Rhine Capitalism?
  7. Second fav PM.

    Fav = Atlee

    Third = Major

    4th = Thatcher

    5= Wilson

    6= Heath

    7= Callaghan

    8= Brown (unfortunate with the F crisis ofc, but he was a shit leader anyways).
  8. Can I ask why you have Tony Blair in your avatar?
  9. There are lots of people who have started from nothing and 'climbed the ladder' so to speak. I support government intervention to remove barriers to entry, you comparison is not valid as the level of social mobility varies wildly across capitalist economies, there are many such as Denmark who have high levels of social mobility,
  10. In a way capitalism is just as nihilistic as communism. The nihilist concept in communism is "there's no hierarchy or wealth, so what's to work for?". The nihilist concept in capitalism is "If everyone researches finance and there's already huge billionaires and powerful corporations out there, what's the point in trying to climb the ladder?".
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11