Conversation Between Nachie and Peter The Painter

  1. haha dunno what to tell ya mate, that's kinda just like "what they do"
  2. Ze Leneenistaz are Trollzin mwah
  3. I don't know very much about Chechnya man, but I do definitely support people's struggles for self-determination and freedom from military occupation or government of all kinds. Thing is, struggles for national liberation need to be popular mass struggles. When they become "specialized" into specific military wings and groups, they become too easily manipulated by rival imperialist countries as pawns in a global power game.
  4. Hey man, i was going to ask, what are your views on Chechenya, I support the resistance, and want an end to soviet social imperialism.

    I also consider what stalin did to the chechen people, shipping around 1/4 to 1/2 to siberia, because they apparently "colaborated, with the Nazis"


    give me a break.

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