Conversation Between Nachie and Mälli

  1. well i wasn't there and didn't take part in the action but my guess is that there is a distant hope that they'll now know better than to come back around
  2. Mälli
    Why be militant if you dont have to be
  3. nah
  4. Mälli
    Asking them to leave would have been better
  5. a bucket of water was dumped on their literature table, destroying a bunch of their materials. there wasn't any physical scuffles or anything
  6. Mälli
    Ok. How did they get attacked?
  7. it was an anarchist bookfair and they were trying to sell their propaganda in a "free" area
  8. Mälli
    Why expell maoists out of bookfairs?
  9. whether or not Leninists are consciously capitalist or authoritarian, their organizations and ideology has been used to scuttle many revolutionary movements of the past, and we believe that we achieve a qualitatively higher level of integrity and ethical continuity in our organization by excluding them right off the bat.

    RAAN doesn't take an official line of attacking other "leftists" and nobody in the network is required to do so. there are various opinions on the actual effectiveness of anti-Maoist actions and stuff like that, with most of us feeling like that line in the sand has now been drawn deep enough, and we need to be focusing on other matters. the only anti-Leninist action by RAAN for five years now was a defensive one in expelling Maoists from an anarchist bookfair, and wasn't planned out ahead of time.
  10. Mälli
    Well said. Im just not into attacking other leftists. I think leninists are not capitalists. The USSR just was. We are allso not ready for a militant revolution yet
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