Conversation Between RedWorker and Sabot Cat

  1. Sabot Cat
    I have a very poor grasp on the Spanish language, although I know some basic words and grammatical things. I didn't know the nuanced distinction between the two terms, but I'm glad to have learned it. =)
  2. I've just noticed that you used the word 'compañer[o/a]' in Spanish. Note the fact that there are two words that mean "comrade" in Spanish: compañer[o/a] & camarad[a]. Whereas "compañero" has several meanings, such as "buddy", with only one of which equalling "comrade", "camarada" means only "comrade". It seems that Trotskyists, social-democrats and others prefer "compañero", while Stalinists prefer "camarada". Now, I don't know your Spanish level, so you may already have known this.
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