Conversation Between Inquisitive Lurker and Rafiq

  1. I'd kill for someone to do an audiobook of all three books of Capital.
  2. Is David Harvey's Podcast a lecture or just reading from the text? Librivox has a straight audio book version of Book 1 as well. Book 1 is complete in itself, but the rest of Capital isn't. Book 2 leaves it's answers to Book 3, and Book 3 was never finished. Marx was never the best writer, always missing deadlines, and apparently his handwriting was so bad his wife, who's name escapes me, maybe Jenny, had to recopy everything out.
  3. Rafiq
    Well, the Communist Manifesto was something Marx regretted writing in his later life, but it's good you read Capital. I'm trying to do that myself, (with the help of david harvey). And I don't know how you could really define intelligence. Yes, there are Bourgeois humans who are intelligent, but someone like Ayn Rand, you could only call 'creative'. I don't think she is really intelligent, unless she didn't believe her own shit and was just having an agenda for the bourgeoisie.
  4. Also, you may not like Ayn Rand, you need to accept that there are intelligent people on the other side. Not that I'm recommending reading her books.
  5. Marxism... hmm... well, I guess you could say I'm a Marxist. I've read the Communist Manifesto, found it inspiring, I've read all of Das Kapital once and the first book twice. I've gone to a few lectures, read a few other things. But though one could identify me as a Marxist, I don't know if I would self identify myself as one.
  6. Rafiq
    Firstly, Ayn Rand was a complete reactionary piss brain. Second, well, when I first got introduced into the left, I was a Muslim, you see. The more I studied, the more I distanced myself from the religion. It was as if there was some wierd dialectical contradiction in my brain between Marxism and Islam, and eventually, the logically superior thing won. I don't think everyone on the Left is required to be an Atheist, but I do think that every Marxist is an Atheist. Anarchism, well, not so much.
  7. Rafiq
    Anyhow, what do you think of Marxism?
  8. I am an atheist, as I believe everyone on the left should be, especially those that subscribe to a scientific view of the world. I also happen to be a left wing extremist.

    Being an atheist doesn't make you left wing, but being left which should turn you into an atheist, the farther left you go.

    Someone on the left, the real left, who is not an atheist, exists in an immanent state. They still need to develop.

    And don't forget Ayn Rand did make some contributions to libertarianism.
  9. Rafiq
    If being an Atheist makes you left wing, what do you call Ayn Rand?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9