Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores

  1. Junkie is my second favorite novel ever. It's a good introduction.
  2. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    What should I read by him?
  3. Nah. Burroughs was a beat. Like Ginsberg or Kerouac. Stories about anything and everything un-American.
  4. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    I've actually never read Lovecraft, (I know his style though), although I've been meaning to since I've been interested in Chtulhu. Burroughs writes horror-ish stories?
  5. He's not much like Lovecraft at all but they have a sorta similar fanbase. I like both.
  6. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Indeed. I was waiting for Psycho to stop using Cthulhu so I could use it. I'll have to look up your author.
  7. Swag.
  8. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Si, it is.
  9. William S. Burroughs, one of my favorite writers. Is that Cthulu in your pic?
  10. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Who's the person in your picture?
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