Conversation Between Blackscare and #FF0000

  1. Blackscare
    Hah, well that's to be expected. I've been busy since I got back into a house of my own, I was working 100+ hours a week (really) but I recently quit to finish up TEFL and whatnot. Figured I'd get back on revleft, since I spend so much time on my computer anyway lately.

    I missed you guys, especially members I can actually remember such as yourself. Glad to see you're on here, if only for the time being.

  2. #FF0000
    I've been good. Been taking a lot of long breaks from the forum lately, but it's been p. quiet with some big dumb things happening as per usual.

    Sup with you, guy
  3. Blackscare
    Whats up? How's it been around here
  4. Blackscare
    NP, napoleon broneparte
  5. #FF0000
    Thanks Brostoevsky
  6. Blackscare
    you're a cool guy, broski
  7. #FF0000
    ~~**respek knuckles**~~
  8. Blackscare
    ya he mad
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8