Conversation Between Blackscare and Os Cangaceiros

  1. Os Cangaceiros
    i like fish too
  2. Os Cangaceiros
    I wish that I could go back. Those were carefree days for me.

    It's a political wasteland there, though.
  3. Blackscare
    Heh, I'm actually moving back there on the 1st. Been living in Florida.
  4. Os Cangaceiros
    are you still living on the island?
  5. Blackscare
    Well I'm actually on the fence right now, between Council Communism and Anarchism. No matter what, I'll always be libertarian and sympathize with Anarchism, I think there's too many MilitantAnarchists mucking about fucking up the movement :/

    You haven't lost a libertarian ally Just rethinking the angle I am looking at things from. When "Worker's Councils" by Anton Pannekoek arrives from Amazon, I'll give it a good deal of study and see where I stand.
  6. Os Cangaceiros
    You're not an anarchist anymore?

  7. Os Cangaceiros
    What's Anarcho-ATSWB?
  8. Blackscare
    Well I spend most of my time in Greenport with my friends, but no, I live in Southold.

    It's a little shit town with nothing in it lol
  9. Os Cangaceiros
    I split my time between Montauk and Stony Brook, mostly.

    The north fork? Like, Greenport?
  10. Blackscare
    Nice, but I bet you live in a more civilized (up-island) area. I'm out in the boonies of the north fork O_o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11