Conversation Between Magdalen and Holden Caulfield

  1. you're in baby, the small print of our deal was you have to blindly and cronyistically support me in all CC deabtes
  2. yawn,
  3. Magdalen
    The development of the labour aristocracy from the late 19th century onwards was noted clearly by Marx and Lenin, not just the RCG. (Read Imperialism and the Split in Socialism). Lenin stated that the European worker had reached a stage where it was not his labour, but the labour of the practically enslaved natives in its colonies that maintained society. Lenin noted that Britain derived more profit from India than from the British workers. This pattern is continued today, Britain has an FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) outflow 4.7 times its GDP. The living standards of the British working class depend upon imperialism.

    The RCG is not "anti-working class" or "counter-revolutionary", it takes an active role in working class struggles in Britain, but urges the working class to completely break from the Labour Party and its imperialist paymasters. Without a complete break with the Labour Party, a socialist and anti-imperialist movement cannot be built in Britain.
  4. that the white working class of advanced capitalist countries have been bought off with concessions from the bourgeois and so have been pacified as a revolutionary group
  5. Magdalen
    Define what you mean by "third-worldist".
  6. yep, ive met them, they are bloody 3rd worldists,
  7. Magdalen
    Do you have any justification for your assertion that the RCG are "anti-working class" and "counter-revolutionary"?
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