Conversation Between Zeus the Moose and Oneironaut

  1. Oneironaut
    Shit happens. It was a pleasure seeing him on national television numerous times, even if only for the sake of gaining publicity in a country where we get none. I know that you comrades will learn from it which is all that matters.
  2. Zeus the Moose
    Maybe we in the SP did make a mistake in nominating Moore. I think, though, it was less of a mistake than the nomination of Walt Brown in 2004, and hopefully as a party we'll learn from this experience. In retrospect, it definitely is appealing to nominate a candidate that has good fund raising and outreach potential (as Moore did compared to other candidates), but if the purpose for running campaigns, particularly presidential campaigns, is to make a sophisticated public case for the socialist transformation of society, then it makes more sense to run someone who's well-familiar with the SP and what we stand for.

    I think to some degree, many third parties did similar things this year, with the Libertarians' nomination of Barr and the Greens' nomination of McKinney.
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