Conversation Between DienBienPhu and Coyote

  1. Coyote
    That's really cool. What's the left like over there?
  2. DienBienPhu
    Ok. I meet USAS's people when they came here for anti-Sodexo's campaign.
  3. Coyote
    SDS isn't really active in my area but I have a good comrade who's active in USAS. They put on some pretty good demonstrations now and then. I'm involved with ANSWER and The Party for Socialism and Liberation.
  4. DienBienPhu
    Waht do you think about new SDS, or USAS ?
  5. Coyote
    That's awesome. I wish I could have been there! Hopefully I may be able to do the same thing in a few years. Pennsylvania's funding to it's universities has been slashed 50% and people are getting angry, but not that angry yet.
  6. DienBienPhu
    Take chairs and tables, then put them by doors This way 50 people can prevent 5,000 others to enter.
  7. Coyote
    I can imagine that last October was very exciting, haha What do you mean that you blocked your university?
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