Conversation Between h0m0revolutionary and The Feral Underclass

  1. h0m0revolutionary
    Get your handbag off my profile.
  2. Dickwipe!
  3. h0m0revolutionary
    Yeah you're right, im back in mancs tomorrow with any luck, so i'll meet up with some people before NYE see what other people can do
  4. The law doesn't come into effect until February. Outraged campaigned during the creation and debate of the bill. In any case, it doesn't mean we shouldn't go down there. They're putting gay people to death, I don't think we need to wait for an opportunity.
  5. h0m0revolutionary
    oh yeah sorry.

    So i spoke to outrage and they're all like
    "yeah whey ahead of you, we already did that a while ago when it was announced" dunno why i put that it quotes, that's not actually what they said, but that's the gist.

    So i dunno, yeah we could still go ahead with it and travel down London, but im not sure how fruitful it would be, maybe a week or so ago, would it not have been xmas and stuff, it would have been good to protest the BBC, but now it's gone dead again.

    I think the big pull to should still be for a conference in March?
  6. Uganda...
  7. h0m0revolutionary
    Hey mouthy! :P

    I didn't see your post until nows.

    I couldn't have came anyways because Koms poorly apparently.

    Hope you had a good night though big man ;D
  8. I'll take that as a no then!
  9. Are you and Kom actually coming to my birthday celebrations tonight?
  10. That weekend is the northern AF educational. OK, 13/14th is OK with me.
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