Conversation Between Zurdito and Stranger Than Paradise

  1. Zurdito
    cool, I'll make sure it see it then. thanks for the tip
  2. Stranger Than Paradise
    If you like STP you'll love Down By Law. They are Jarmusch's two best in my opinion. Glad to see there's another Jarmusch fan here
  3. Zurdito
    I agree about Dead Man I haven't seen Down By Law. Luckily there is a Jarmusch week starting at a local municipal cinema, so I get to change that.
  4. Stranger Than Paradise
    Oh no yeah. That is what i'm named after. My third favourite film of all time. Truly amazing. Jarmusch is a great director. Dead Man and Down By Law are also masterpieces.
  5. Zurdito
    stranger than paradise by Jim Jarmusch.

    or is the title of something else that I don't know about? :s
  6. Stranger Than Paradise
    The Face of Another?
  7. Zurdito
    great film, great director!
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