Conversation Between Garret and Volcanicity

  1. Volcanicity
    I'm guessing you're as disillusioned with them as much as I am.
  2. Volcanicity
    Yeah I hear what you're saying,they are one of the few who consider China Socialist most would consider them fully-blown Capitalist.
  3. Garret
    There views on the PRC and the DPRK are dodgy too, especially the fact that they genially think they're still socialist.
  4. Volcanicity
    Yes I agree with that I feel the same about them.They are the only Anti-Revisionist Party in the UK.Their views on 9/11 are a bit dodgy though.
  5. Garret

    Still tentative on them though and they seem quite small, but they seem the only true-to-the-word Marxist-Leninist party out in Britain.
  6. Volcanicity
    Hey Comrade good to see another CPGB-ML supporter here.
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