Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and Holden Caulfield

  1. good, trolling comrademan =)
  2. hows is going g?
  3. oi
  4. come on msn then, im zinging
  5. i just zinged debs but she deleted it
  6. msn msn msn
  7. slowly and painfully.
    I'm making all my points badly but just so I can get them down on paper. Then I'll print it off, read it, and totally rewrite and structure it.
    if you come on msn you can be shown my progress thus far
  8. sup sup how did the essay go
  9. what speeches you been posted you nonce?
    and I only had a glace at your essays whilst looking for my Locke one, which today got a 1st !!!!!!
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