Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and F9

  1. F9
    im once again back to cyprus!!and have some assignments to deliver until late january when i get back. so earliest i could maybe be available would be february!
  2. Drinking. When is it going to happen?
  3. F9
    yeah,sure, let me know
  4. No, it's good, thanks. I am now at ease.

    I'll speak to you more about us meeting up when I'm back in the UK if you're up for it?
  5. F9
    its should be ok now?or i did a mistake also? lol
  6. In Chit Chat, can you correct my new thread. It should be Yet_ANother_Boring_Marxis, not Yet_Another_Young_Marxis?

    Patchd and H0m0 are partners and they were both mods on here. They are really close friends of mine. We could have a little mini revlet get together!
  7. F9
    yeah i can
  8. F9
    i remember patch, not h0m0 i think, but anw yeah, but i wont be up there until september octomber either!
  9. Can you correct thread titles?
  10. Well I have friends in Manchester (Patchd and h0m0sexualrevolutionary both live there), so maybe we can all hang out sometime? I'm in Berlin until October, but maybe sometime?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 62
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