Conversation Between LeninBalls and mosfeld

  1. mosfeld
    how the fuck am i being dogmatic? you're the one who completely renounces new democracy because some albanian said it was lame. how about trusting the marxists of their respective countries, for example the shining path, cpi(maoist) and npa, to do what they think is correct, which in this case is developing new democracy? im 100% sure they know way more about the material conditions of their own country and what should be done than you.
  2. mosfeld
    ..why dont you use irc if your msn isnt working?
  3. mosfeld
    seriously i cant remember a fucking thing you said yesterday
  4. mosfeld
    yeah i laugh like im a fucking asshole when im drunk
  5. mosfeld
    haha i got completely fukced yesterday
  6. mosfeld
    i almost did amphetamine
  7. mosfeld
  8. mosfeld
    uuuuuum i dont know haha

    i remember being pissed off as hell that you didnt answer
  9. mosfeld
  10. mosfeld
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