Conversation Between Vyacheslav Brolotov and MustCrushCapitalism

  1. I'm gonna be serious now. I didn't find that picture you posted on the Pour Your Heart Out thread funny. I could have gone batshit crazy on you too, but I consider you a comrade. Please don't do that because what I'm going through is too hard for someone to come in and make a joke out of it.
  2. MustCrushCapitalism
    Mwa ha ha ha ha stalinist oppression and sabotaging the socialist revolution
  3. You have now enlightened me by forcing me to Google something against my will, you Stalinist!
  4. MustCrushCapitalism

    And yeah, you gotta love Brezhnev's sexiness. Flaunt that social-imperialism~
  5. And I know it was epic. Brezhnev pictures are da best.
  6. What the hell is "win"? Did you mean "wit"?
  7. MustCrushCapitalism
    That post in the booze thread was so unbelievably full of win.
  8. MustCrushCapitalism
    I'm not latino. I look distinctly pale white. Ethnically speaking though I'm Dutch, Italian, and Scottish. I think part latino actually though on my father's side. Not totally sure there, though.
  9. Aren't you Latino? I think you said that....
  10. MustCrushCapitalism
    Yes, the APL's youth branch. :P It's only been around for a short time so it's pretty small, but they're going to be begining some kind of ideological classes soon.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13