Conversation Between MrCharizma and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    yeah, there are actually two Lewises ;D
  2. MrCharizma
    Oh that's just awkward. Do you have brown curly hair? Or is that a different Lewis :S
  3. Chambered Word
    hmm, I can't seem to put a face to your name, I don't think we've met before?
  4. MrCharizma
    Ah. This is funny and weird at the same time.
    I'm Michael from the Bakery in the city, I joined SAlt a few weeks ago.
  5. Chambered Word
  6. MrCharizma
    Hey Lewis, (remember me from ages ago when I just joined revleft)
    I was wondering, are you in the Socialist-Alternative?
  7. Chambered Word
    Yeah, I was the sweaty guy at the front holding the SAlt banner (on the left side). What a horrible day that was. At least the rally went well enough.
  8. MrCharizma
    Comrade, did you attend the WikiLeaks demonstration in Perth city today?
    I saw a few young socialists and such but I don't know what you look like so I didn't introduce my self haha.
  9. MrCharizma
    Hey, so you're a Perth Comrade? I've just recently gotten into all of this. What sort of meetings of any sort are there in Perth? I also heard there are swap meets of some sort, are they interesting or not really? Sorry for all the questions, just you seem to be the only one that I can see.
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