Conversation Between Asero and Rafiq

  1. Rafiq
    The Marxists internet archive has a great beginners guide to Hegel. Depending on how you learn best, you could perhaps start there and branch out to Zizek and finally Hegel himself. Zizek's living in the end times I think is a very useful introduction to his thought - for something more relevant today Trouble in Paradise may be better suited. As far as Hegel goes, I think that The Phenomenology of Spirit and philosophy of history would both be good, with more emphasis on the former.
  2. Asero
    In the "Why A is not A" thread, you mentioned that in order to get a better understanding of Marx and Engel's conception of history, reading Hegel with external help is necessary. So, what literature from Hegel and supplements from Zizek should I (and others) read to better understand 'dialectics' (and Hegelian ideas in general).
  3. Asero
    The way you write reminds me a lot of Lenin.
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