Conversation Between Crusade and AK

  1. Trippy shit.
  2. Mao used to be an Anarchist! *runs*
  3. I'm a little Mao-curious at times. But that's a secret only you, and all visitors of your page can know.

    So that would include me, yeah? :P
  4. It's awesome because I can become a member of the vast and glorious anarcho-trot conspiracy again.
  5. Glad to hear it welcome to the Dark/Red side.
  6. I had, what was essentially, a revelation, that I had agreed with anarchist ideas for the better part of my life - even whilst I was a Trot.
  7. Whaaaaat? I thought you weren't an Anarchist? When did those bastards sink their teeth into you?
  8. Precisely it. One without the other will lead to one kind of disaster and we can't do without either.
  9. That's like the whole "Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice, but socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" isn't it?
  10. Ah. Smart quote.
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