Conversation Between Brotto Rühle and The Garbage Disposal Unit

  1. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    If they're seriously digging into Marxism at age 3, that's beautiful. You must be a very proud parent. I hope they are pick up more of your politics than your attitude.
  2. Brotto Rühle
    I'm sorry that my 3 year old has a better understanding of Marx than you do.
  3. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Look, I was being a dick, and lashed out. I'm sorry. I hope maybe you can see ways in which you might have provoked said response (as wrongheaded as it might have been on my end). I'm sure you're going to take this as an insult, but it's one of those "hate in others what you see in yourself" situations - I have been as eager to dismiss those whose politics I see as inferior, and as uncompromisingly certain as you seem to be. And, hey, maybe you're right, and maybe I strayed from the path in error. If in five years you don't cringe at your unflinching dismissals of others' politics, well, power to you I suppose.
  4. Brotto Rühle
    Bro, I just made a sign saying "Fuck the USA, defend the DPRK!!!!" and I dressed up as Mao when I did it. So I'm on par with you now.
  5. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    What do you live in White River Junction or Thessalon or something? Never had the chance to actually do anything and feeling bitter about it?
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