Conversation Between bailey_187 and Adi Shankara

  1. so? if i was offered a chance to live as a hunter gatherer i would say no thanks. That doesnt prove anything.
  2. You should look up Daniel Everett; he studied the Piraha language and people of Brazil...and these people were offered free food, free training in farming, free education...and since the tribe has no leaders, they turned it down. also, the sentinelese Islanders. they constantly denied contact, technology, and outside influence.
  3. Hegel was a dialectical materialist, but an idealist who embraced dialectics. Marx claimed to have stood hegel on his head, now what could that mean?

    Also Engels main work on dialectics, Anti-Duhring, was read and approved by Marx.

    But even so, your embracing of spiritual nonsense is a rejection of Feuerbach's Materialism, which Marx did embrace.
  4. Well yeah, thats a primitive view. IMO it is a bad idea to hunter-gatherer societies "primitive communism", because it makes it seem like that society is in someway diserable because of the C word in it. There is little diserable about hunter gatherer societies. Look at levels of consumption of food, life expectancy, infant mortality etc

    I may not like the fact that i could loose my job at any time that capital deems it needed, but atleast if i break my leg i wont die and can expect to live to 70

    Equality is irelevent. Marxists dont demand equality, they demand a working class coming to power. Equality will simply be the result of this due to the elimination of scarcity.
  5. oh, and I agree that Marx was a materialist, just not a dialectical materialist a la Hegel.
  6. Well I hope this doesn't make me sound like a primativist, but I agree and somewhat disagree with what you said. on one hand, capitalism is better than feudalism, however, is capitalism better than the much older egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies? and that's just what makes me wonder.
  7. i dont "dislike" him, i just dont think he was a Marxist. He certainly embraced aspects of Marxism and probably spoke well of it, but so does Hugo Chavez. He seems very similar to Hugo Chavez in that way. Ill ignore the amrchair revolutionary stuff.

    Ok, forgot the dialectics aspect. You are not going to deny Marx was a Materialist are you?

    To say that technology, capitalism etc is not progress over what came before it is a rejection of historical materialism.

    ""modern natural science... with modern industry, has revolutionised the whole of nature and put an end to man's childish attitude towards nature as well as to other forms of childishness... For the rest, it would be desirable that Bavaria's sluggish peasant economy, the ground on which grow priests and Daumers alike, should at last be ploughed up by modern cultivation and modern machines." - Marx
  8. wow. Thomas Sankara led an ACTUAL Marxist revolution. what the hell have you done, armchair revolutionary?

    I do reject dialetical materialism; that was basically mostly Engels anyways, and Marx had a few critiques of the Hegelian philosophy. I don't know how you come to the conclusion that I reject historical materialism, I just don't believe in dialectical materialism, and my only ideas on what we call "progress" is that it stands to rape the earth of it's resources while increasing capitalist power in the world, while most foolishly believe that it means we're "moving forward" when we're moving backwards. we're heading for a dark age.

    but yes, I strongly disagree with Hegelian philosophy, but I don't disown historical materialism.

    again, though: why is it you dislike Thomas Sankara if he actually led a real armed insurrection against a capitalist government, led a real revolution, and established a real socialist People's Republic?
  9. im not trolling, i genuinly do think you are not a Marxist. You may be a "socialist", want the working class to take power etc, but that alone does not make u a marxist.

    Your embracing of a sprirtual or whatever world view is a direct rejection of Materialist Dialectics. And your posts concerning progress, feudalism and capitalism etc seem to show a rejection of historical materialism.

    I have yet to see you post at all on Marxist theory, just outraged posts about fucked up shit in the world. Your entire critique of capitalism seems to be built on a moral outrage.

    This is why i dont think you are a marxist, just some sort of socialist/communist. If it makes you feel anybetter i feel about Thomas Sankara the same way.
  10. yeah. you didn't exactly tell me how I'm anti-marxist. I think you're just a failtroll, no?
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