Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. It's actually still quite hard for me to tell, too. But anyway, I also need to read moar. Trouble is I tend to be busy about 95% of the time, and I cbf the other 5%.
  2. Chambered Word
    Don't be like me, bro, just go for her while she's still interested. My last girlfriend was good friends with me for ages until we actually started going out, I think the chances are she will be waiting for you to act. It's so fucking hard to tell what to do sometimes though.

    And yeah I'm not too sure about the bourgeoisie in Russia to be honest. I read this article in hope of finding something to talk about at an SAlt meeting:

    Lenin explains it pretty well. I think they did achieve worker's democracy but surplus value was still being generated. Maybe Lenin or Tony Cliff have written something that would explain it well. I should read more, I'm still on 'Russia: From Worker's State To State Capitalism'.
  3. So the revolution failed to abolish the Bourgeoisie? tsk tsk

    Anyway, there is a girl that likes me a lot atm, I pretty much know about it due to the random sudden increase in attention I've been given by her and that I talk to her over msn every night now and she's been asking who I like, and if I have/had a girlfriend, etc.

    It's not certain, but I'm pretty sure.
  4. Chambered Word
    That's actually true to a degree but there was still a bourgeoisie in Russia as well I think, except they had no real political power. Hence why Lenin called Russia 'state capitalist'; there was capitalism, but it was being overseen by a worker's state controlled by the proletariat.

    'At this very moment there's someone doing the same thing with me but I'm not sure if I ever will ask her out.'

    You mean there's a girl who wants to ask you out? How do you know about it? That's pretty cool anyway man.

    Whatshername has been talking to me now and then but I'm not sure I even want to bother asking her anymore. Do you work out?
  5. And yeah, I feel the same. At this very moment there's someone doing the same thing with me but I'm not sure if I ever will ask her out.
  6. Maybe they could represent an antagonistic force - but not a class.
  7. Chambered Word
    'Personally, I wonder why there would even be classes in your own hypothetical socialist society. No other classes = no class antagonism = no need to remove any democratic rights.'

    You aren't quite reading his posts properly. There were still other classes after the Russian Revolution, at home and abroad. The former bourgeoisie was just ruled over by the proletariat and they still represented an antagonistic force. Abroad the international bourgeoisie attempted to crush the revolution.

    On another note, I read your post in chitchat. I really think I should ask this girl at my school out. I'll see if she talks to me much tomorrow - up until today she's been giving me a lot of attention. It's just so hard to bring myself to do it.
  8. With revolutionaries like mountainfire, the future really is bright for the working class
  9. I knew he was a dickhead as soon as he called me a liberal and accused me of having a democracy fetish.
  10. Chambered Word
    As in, talk a load of shit that doesn't actually relate to the topic. I can't be arsed reading what he writes anyway since none of it was pertaining to my arguments.
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