Conversation Between dernier combat and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    one can only keep trying...i even have a black bandana u know
  2. 4/20 smoke infants erryday

    but srsly, u can neva be as anarkey as me
  3. Chambered Word
    libertarian socialism sux, im getting a black hoodie so i can be as anarko as you btw
  4. stalinist.
  5. Chambered Word
    went fine so far I was there for like an hour or so. listened to a couple of unionists speak to the crowd. it was mostly people from a few of the militant blue collar unions. talked to a few guys there as well.
  6. so how did it go?
  7. Chambered Word
    im dead btw. nah jk.
  8. how do you plan to do that? extra-sensory perception?
  9. Chambered Word
    cos im fucken brutal. im going to a picket tomorrow, will let you know if I get bashed to death by cops.
  10. Chambered Word
    Erry fucken day
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