Conversation Between Drosophila and Vyacheslav Brolotov

  1. If only everything on revleft was a joke
  2. I like how you thought I was being serious. lol

    I was calling the idea stupid, not you.

    I actually edited almost right after posting it. I have a bad habit of doing that =(
  4. Oh, it's alright. The clouds are giving me the blues though. It also looks like I'll be here for the rest of my life.

    How's it in the south?
  5. What I really meant to say was, "How is it in your side of the state?"
  6. No, I meant how are you doing? Y u no understand?!
  7. What do you mean? Weather?
  8. How's your side of the state?
  9. Jersey shore rofl!!!!11
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9