Conversation Between RevolutionaryThinker and Ismail

  1. Ismail
    As Lenin and Stalin noted, the victory of socialism is ultimately assured by its victory on a world scale. See:

    The USSR did build socialism successfully. It also assisted in the rise of the dictatorship of the proletariat (obviously a precondition for socialist construction) to other countries. The Albanians were one of those who followed the Soviet example and likewise built socialism by the early 70s after decades of preparing the material and technical basis for it. This does not mean that socialism could not be overthrown, because so long as capitalist states exist and so long as the remnants of the former overthrown classes as well as their ideologies exist in a country, so too does the danger exist of capitalist restoration both externally (foreign invasion or plots) and internally (within the party and state apparatuses.)
  2. RevolutionaryThinker
    Well how could Socialism possibly work in one country alone? Especially a little country.
  3. Ismail
    Ask away.
  4. RevolutionaryThinker
    Interesting! So I would like to learn more about Stalin and Hoxha as well.
  5. Ismail
    I think that Stalin continued Lenin's work, presided over the construction of socialism in the USSR, and combated revisionism and opportunism within the international working-class movement. I also disagree with the attacks on him made by Trotskyists, the post-Stalin Soviet regime, Maoists, etc., so yeah you can call me a "Stalinist" if you'd like.
  6. RevolutionaryThinker
    So you are a Stalinist?
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