Conversation Between Widerstand and gorillafuck

  1. I responded in the thread, I don't like having long discussions on profiles.
  2. Okay fair enough, you said I'm not a zionist.

    Where you distorted what I said? How about your first post in the topic?

    "Anti-zionism doesn't mean support for Hamas, it means opposition to Israeli colonialism."

    I never said that Anti-Zionism is support for Hamas, you made that up. I've also never argued for the settlements to continue, so this part of your post makes even less sense: "A world socialist revolution would dismantle colonialist settlements and any sort of apartheid so anti-zionism is part of advocating world revolution." Especially since I even spoke out for a socialist revolution (which I later got called out for, funnily enough).
  3. Point to me when I made any reference to you being a liberal zionist. Especially considering that I very explicitly said you are not a zionist. And explain to me where I distorted what you said, I'd like to see because if I did then I apologize, but I don't see where I did.
  4. I'll stop replying to you about the TC thing.

    Thanks for distorting my actual opinions and forcing me into a defensive position again, fat chance you reached your goal and got me infracted. Now go on, join in with freepalestine and call me a liberal zionist.
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