Conversation Between Buddha Samurai Cadre and scarletghoul

  1. thanks mr Pott
  2. scarletghoul
    Awesome, good luck with everything comrade
  3. yeah i am going to

    As of tomorow i am going to stop drinking and just get my shit together, hopefully this wont happen again.

    I am getting a comp soon soi wont have to use this fuckin ps3, then i will talk 2 u on msn n shit.
  4. scarletghoul
    You better not man.. if you're that bad, maybe you should try telling people around you to make sure they dont let you drink
  5. I dont know why i started tonight, but ive gone fromone glass to a fucking bottle, once i start i dont stop.

  6. scarletghoul
    crap make sure you dont have any more, please. You became so awesome when you stopped.
  7. LET myself down tonight, had my first drink since i quit, im fucking smashed, am well angry at mself
  8. Im 3 points off a hundred, its driving me nuts, i think its giving me OCD lol
  9. scarletghoul
    yeah i know.. i was hoping the scottish socialists would do well
  10. scarletghoul
    your threads been destroyed
    and yeah it is a great autobiography, very inspiring. huey was definately one of the most valuble assets to the historical struggle of human freedom, and i swear amerika will pay for fucking him up like that
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