Conversation Between human strike and Zoroaster

  1. Zoroaster
    Ok, thanks. I just read a paper by Troploin called "Communisation", which I enjoyed.
  2. human strike
    I'm a historian so I really like 'When Insurrections Die,' but 'Capitalism and Communism' is also good. They're good for fairly short and fairly simple texts. Hope you find them interesting if you get a chance to look at them.
  3. Zoroaster
    What work's of Dauvé do you recommend?
  4. Zoroaster
    Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm staring to look more at Left Leninism, but I'm flip-flopping to so many different ideologies. I look forward to it.
  5. human strike
    Based on other things you've posted here I was thinking of sending you some Dauvé anyway in case you were interested.
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