Conversation Between mollymae and Bad Grrrl Agro

  1. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Yeah. It was Jack Johnson who played. That was an interesting show.
  2. Oh yes, the Gorge is a nice place to spend an evening. Western Washington and Eastern Washington are pretty different though, culturally and otherwise. It's better over here
  3. Bad Grrrl Agro
    My only experience with the state of washington is that I went to a concert at the gorge a long time ago with my brother-in-law and my sister.
  4. Olympia, WA. It's not really a big city, just bigger than where I am now, and allegedly it's fairly "counter-culture". I'm going to college there. I live in a suburb of Seattle at the moment.
  5. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Ah, which big city? I want to move to San Francisco or LA or PDX or Seattle or NYC or just generally some place fun.
  6. More suburban actually. I'm moving to a larger city in a few months though so I'm hoping I will then be exposed to a greater variety of people, and a greater variety of cultures and classes.
  7. Bad Grrrl Agro
    No problem. There are a bunch of us in Milwaukee. Are you from an area that would be considered rural?
  8. Hey, I just thought I'd let you know that I'm lurking around the threads and I enjoy reading your posts that pertain to transgenderism. I've actually never known any transgendered people (there are literally none where I live), so I've enjoyed hearing what you have to say. Keep it up.
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