Conversation Between Caj and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    It's from a writing he did in the 50's for a Italian magazine. I can't think of the title (it's not on MIA) and only Kontrazvedka had the link (and now she's banned, so fml). Sorry, I wish I could help you there.

    Although, I remember hearing that he changed his views on this again, which I can believe because he didn't seem that enthusiastic about the idea in the article anyway.
  2. Caj
    Which writing are you referring to?
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, pretty much. His later writing on the party is good, but towards the end he started to support working within bourgeois unions and other shitty positions. Overall though he was pretty consistent with his position.
  4. Caj
    I could be wrong on that though.
  5. Caj
    I remember hearing that it was only in his later years that he supported national liberation, before which he was opposed to it.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    Lol, neither have I but I have read some articles talking about Bordigism that quote Bordiga saying he supports national liberation, but it generally dosen't get more complex than that.
  7. Caj
    I'm undecided on the issue. Are there any texts where Bordiga specifically addresses the issue of national liberation? I haven't read any.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg

    What are your views on national liberation? Bordiga supported them, but this is something I disagree with him on.
  9. Caj
    Sounds good, but it should be "a part" instead of "apart."
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Changed, what do you think?
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