Conversation Between Wanted Man and F9

  1. Wanted Man
    Well I can't post in the thread anymore since it's closed now, but I did call the user a fucking idiot in another thread for another reason, if that's any comfort.
  2. F9
    i dont know man, and yes everyone does this shit, hypocrisy is all over this place and im really not sattisfied with this shit.Only think i can do is raising my voice each and every time, no one will listen to me?Fuck it, i dont care, i will keep saying it until the time another one joins me, then another, then another until the time reactionaries and hypocrites become the minority from the majority of now.
  3. Wanted Man
    "How dare you Samy challenge a m-l ideas?Stalinists are already running for her defense though..Im tired with the shitty reactionary ideas been accepted around here.Pol-potists, racists and now palingenisis once again with shitty ideas...But of course people will support this shit, we are revolutionary left site in the end.I am not sure if i should be mad about this, or laugh really.I prefer the second cause you are all a joke."

    I agree with you: none of these people should be defended at all. But of course on Revleft people always try to stick up for their ideological "buddies". Everyone does that. I think it's fucking dumb personally, but what can we do about it?
  4. F9
    There were a few reasons really, not just time..Nothing you cant imagine that could happen, but nothing that i can really share
  5. Wanted Man
    I can imagine that. Was there any particular reason, or just time?
  6. F9
    thanks for the support it might be bad for others... but dont seems to be the case for me
  7. Wanted Man
    You quit as admin? That's too bad.
  8. F9
    Happy Birthday
  9. Wanted Man
  10. F9
    Happy Birthday
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