Conversation Between Robocommie and Weezer

  1. Robocommie
    Oh shit, it is. Now I can't post or I'll no longer be 1337!
  2. Weezer
    Your post count is 1337.
  3. Robocommie
    Oh, cool. I suppose I'm more Zen Buddhist than anything, but it's neat that you're into Theravada. I'm afraid I don't know as much about Theravada practices though, other than that it's very popular in southeast Asia, and was the original Indian school.
  4. Weezer
    Also, the RevLeft Buddhist group:
  5. Weezer
    Any particular denomination? Mahayana, Zen, Theravada? I'm a non-denominational Buddhist myself, but I follow mainly Theravada practices.
  6. Robocommie
  7. Weezer
    In the "Should religious education be banned?" thread, you mentioned you were a religious Marxist. What religion are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7