Conversation Between the last donut of the night and gorillafuck

  1. the last donut of the night
    I don´t think I could give you a definite answer. As of the moment, I´m trying to really see the situation in full light. I think that becoming a leftist has opened my eyes to a lot of things, and abortion is one of them. For example, I used to be against gay marriage and the ordination of women and gays in the Church. Now I know how much this prejudice hurts people and is a tool for capitalist opression. So I´ve changed my views quite a bit. However, abortion and contraception is more complicated. In a way, I´m still against it (restrict me, I know). When I think of it, murder comes up in my mind. However, I´m starting to see some flaws in the anti-choice position. For example, why should a woman (usually a working class woman) pay for some irresponsible tool who couldn´t hold his penis in? But it´s very complicated. Thanks for not trolling. It´s apreciated.
  2. Since you're a catholic communist, what is your stance on abortion?

    I'm genuinely curious, I'm not trolling you or anything.
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