Conversation Between Kassad and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    Thank you for clearing that up with me. It's just that, out of everything they've talked about on achieving socialism, I just never got the idea that they were for revolution, despite their direct support in Marxist-Leninism & Mao's ruling. Are there any Maoists within the party? If not, then I'll be glad to be the first lol.
  2. Kassad
    Glad to see you're interested in joining. As a revolutionary socialist party, we realize that the overthrow of capitalism is necessary to implement a dictatorship of the proletariat. Without this revolution, the bourgeoisie will never be driven from power. You can read about how we describe a revolution in this article from our Marxism 101 series:

    Basically, the capitalist class is brutal in putting down the working class. Why should we be any less ruthless towards bringing down their system of oppression?
  3. The Vegan Marxist
    From what I've heard, you're part of the PSL, right? Big supporter in them, & soon will try & join as well, but what I feel they haven't expressed that much is how they feel socialism should be achieved. Do they see the necessity for violent revolution as the means of achieving it, or do they see it as a means of achieving it through peaceful measures?
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