Conversation Between Bijan Li Causi X and scarletghoul

  1. scarletghoul
    delete the comment below plz
  2. scarletghoul
    Oli wants to know if you can use ebuddy, or any other browser-based msn service ?
  3. scarletghoul
    if you had any respect for huey you would not commit reactionary suicide. that's what he done, because he ultimately didnt respect himself. but we should be better than that, we owe it to him. we have to surpass him and stay on the course for revolutionary suicide. yeah its hard sometimes, but you gotta keep it all in perspective and keep your eyes on the goal. Like mao said "the future is bright, but the path is torturous".

    dont do it. for huey
  4. fuck it, in the after life comrade, for huey
  5. scarletghoul
    well whatever, youd better change your mind before October 22nd..
    seriously theres a revolutionary future you must live for.
    plus it would upset me haha.
  6. nah on the ps browser pc still broke sorry man
  7. scarletghoul
    Hey hey stop right there comrade !

    Look, you're an awesome person with shitloads of revolutionary potential. If you killed yourself now, you would be robbing the international proletariat of a great freedom fighter.

    Can you get on MSN or FB or anything ?
  8. i am pretty close to killing myself, just wanted to say thanks for everything mate, youve been the closest mate ive had in a long time, you taught me alot, i am too weak for shit now man, i am taking reactionary suicide, you and oliver do me proud, after my 18th, i am going to end this shit, just needed to say thankyou and your the only reason this didnt happen sooner
  9. its me can we talk comrade?
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