Conversation Between The Ben G and AK

  1. The Ben G
    I think its Sunn 0))), but I just thought it looked cool.
  2. Wtf is yours?
  3. The Ben G
    Your picture is so sweet.
  4. The Ben G
    Nuh uh.
  5. My troll on IslamForever's page was better than yours.
  6. Actually scratch that. I'm the co-leader (along with every CU who isn't a mod or admin) of a trade union (a union of all revlefters) who lives off union fees (post counts? rep?) whilst collaborating with the capitalists (admins and mods).
  7. The Ben G
    Ah. That makes more sense.
  8. Nah, I'm sort of a wannabe Bourgeois who is actually middle-class.
  9. The Ben G
    Ah. So, your basically a senator?
  10. It means I have 1200 or more posts and I am a "Committed User" - gaining access to the Committed Users forum where it's basically just elitist chit-chat and a sub-forum where we can propose stuff to the moderators and admins which is called "Proposals" (shock horror).
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 156
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