Conversation Between Zoroaster and JPSartre12

  1. Zoroaster
    I really enjoyed it. It does a great job dealing with different movements and political developments, such as the "Arguments" group, Camus's debates with Sartre, the development of Heideggarian Marxism, Jean-Paul Sartre's political development, the influence of Alexander Kojeve's lectures on Hegel (which actually convinced me to buy "The Phenomenology of Spirt"), and a lot more.
  2. JPSartre12
    I have not read it, but it does sound interesting. Thanks for the recommendation. What did you think of it?
  3. Zoroaster
    Have you ever read "Existential Marxism in Postwar France" by Mark Poster? I just finished it, and I think you would like it.
  4. Zoroaster
    I agree. Although I still remain a Sartrean Existentialist to a degree, I think Camus makes good points about the absurdity of the world, and he does make fair points against Sartre. Although I do disagree with his Syndicalist politics, I am enjoying Camus's work, "The Rebel", and I do plan on buying "The Stranger".
  5. JPSartre12
    Sorry for the late reply, comrade; work has been extraordinarily busy and I haven't had as much time to devote to the Left recently as I would like. I like Albert Camus - his work on absurdism fits fairly well within the existentialist tradition, and I like The Myth of Sisyphus because it addresses the existential angst behind the problem of suicide. His politics eventually took on a midly anti-Sartrean taste due to his dogmatic anti-totalitarianism, but I think that's helpful; it provides a scathing critique of Sartre and encourages us to re-analzye him and not take everything he says as the Gospel truth.
  6. Zoroaster
    What's your opinion on Albert Camus?
  7. Zoroaster
    It's a bit difficult to read, but it's quite interesting. I consider myself an existentialist at this point, so yeah.
  8. JPSartre12
    Really? What do you think of it so far?
  9. Zoroaster
    I just started reading "Being and Nothingness".
  10. Zoroaster
    Once again, thank you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16