Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Lord Testicles

  1. I sent you a message on FB and you have not seen it. Go and see it. With your eyes.
  2. Haha, diolch.
  3. Thank you x
  4. Also...

    Happy Birthday!
  5. It was good thanks, I enjoyed.
  6. How is/was Wales?
  7. I know, it's really bad, sorry. We thought we would see you at Quails but we didn't even manage to get to there on time. (We were a whole day late.) But he is coming up again soon, so we should all definitely get together and do something then.
  8. Look at you getting involved in a thread about vegan food.

    Btw, I am absolutely fucking disgusted that you and Patchd got together and you didn't even think to invite me.
  9. Ah right, yeah, that's from a Fear Factory song.
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